  What Does G Stand For In Physics 7:35 PM

What Does G Stand For In Physics

 What Does G Stand For Usually, the letter G in physics stands for the gravitational constant. The term was originally presented in...
Luxor Sky Beam - Worlds Largest Beam Or Bug Magnet? 10:31 PM

Luxor Sky Beam - Worlds Largest Beam Or Bug Magnet?

If you are headed to Vegas you do not want to miss the Luxor Sky Beam. Especially if you are a lover of physics! Luxor Sky Beam The Luxo...
Faraday Flashlight - How Shake Flashlights Work? 8:12 PM

Faraday Flashlight - How Shake Flashlights Work?

Have you ever heard of a magic shake flashlight? Check out our breakdown of the famous Faraday Flashlight and find out if they are legit.

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